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The Government will test for free if you register before 1 August 2016.  If you do not register for testing by 1 August 2016 you will not have access to Government compensation  if your property is affected by Mr Fluffy.

If your house was constructed before 1980, you should register for free ceiling insulation testing. You must act quickly – registration closes on 1 August 2016. If the testing of your house returns positive, the NSW Government is offering compensation.  They will buy your house and land at market value, or compensate you for the value of the house and its demolition.  

What is Mr Fluffy?

Mr Fluffy was a Canberra based company that installed loose-fill asbestos insulation in the ACT and in NSW.

It was later discovered that the insulation installed into the roof spaces was dangerous asbestos powder. The powder could escape easily from there through cavities and cracks into the house and beyond.  The only safe way to get rid of it is to demolish the house. 

How might this affect you?

Hazardous airborne fibres from the insulation can move into your living space and be absorbed into furniture and fixtures – they are a significant health risk to occupants.  The market value of affected homes will be affected.  The government is planning to legislate to help fix the problem,  there is new legislation already proclaimed and more in the wings. For example, vendors and Councils will probably be required to disclose the asbestos in their contract of sale, and in their planning certificates, that are attached to land sale contracts.  For details see here.

Eligible Properties?

If your home is in nominated Local Government Areas, your home is eligible for the free testing, In the Sydney basin, the areas are:

Bankstown City Council

Hornsby Shire Council

Ku-ring-gai Shire Council

Manly Council

North Sydney Council

Parramatta City Council

The Hills Shire Council


To see the full list of Local Government Areas that has access to free testing click here.

What if my home tests positive?

If your property is affected by Mr Fluffy, the NSW Government wants to achieve demolition, comprehensive site remediation and disposal. The Government is offering, for those that register before 1 August 2016, the option to sell just the house or the house and land to the Government at market value, as if the property was not affected by Mr Fluffy.

Do not miss out!

Register for the free sample testing by the NSW Government click here.

If you do not register for the free testing by 1 August 2016 you will not have access to Government compensation, if your property is affected by Mr Fluffy.