CML Lawyers

Terms and Privacy Policy 



As part of a Professional Standards Scheme we are committed to upholding high professional standards. Our liability is limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standard legislation.

We provide the information on this website as general comment only and it is not intended to be legal advice or relied upon as advice.  Access or use of information on this website does not create a solicitor client relationship.  You should get legal advice before relying or acting on any information in or referenced on this site.


Privacy Policy

You do not need to disclose personal information to use this website. This website does not use cookies, nor does it collect personal information from people when they access the website.

Our internet server may automatically record details about any computer used to access the website, the date and time of access, and details of the information downloaded.

All personal information supplied to us will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

CML Lawyers recognises the importance of protecting an individual’s privacy. This Privacy Policy describes the way that CML collects, holds and discloses information about individuals, and applies to all personal information collected on or after 21 December 2001.


1. What Personal Information Is Collected by CML?


Protecting confidential information is fundamental to our relationship with our clients. The types of personal information that is collected by CML will depend upon the nature of your dealings with the firm.


We may collect personal information when you:


  • instruct us to provide you with legal advice and services;
  • subscribe to our newsletters;
  • attend a CML seminar or workshop; or
  • have business dealings with us (whether as one of our suppliers or as a client).

We do not collect personal information that we do not need. We will not disclose such information except in accordance with your instructions.


We usually collect the following kinds of personal information:


  • your name;
  • title;
  • professional memberships;
  • interests in areas of legal practice or events;
  • business address;
  • e-mail address; and
  • contact numbers (telephone, fax, mobile).

CML will not ask for or collect ‘sensitive information’ about you (such as details of your race, political beliefs, religion or health) unless it is needed for the purposes of providing advice.


If you are a contact person for one of our suppliers, a government agency or are a company with which we deal, we may collect basic business contact information from you (eg your name, title and work contact details).


2. How does CML use Personal Information?


The information we collect from you helps us to continually improve our service to you.


We also collect personal information so that we may let you know of new legal developments and judicial developments. If you do not wish to receive these kinds of communications, please let our Privacy Officer know.


In regards to our business contacts and suppliers, it is CMLs’ policy to only use personal information for the business purpose for which it was collected.


3. Disclosure of Personal Information


We will only disclose your personal information:


  • on a confidential basis to external service providers in connection with the provision of legal services by the firm;
  • when required to do so by law; and
  • where you consent for us to do so.

We will not sell or pass on any personal information that you have provided us.


4. Access and Correction


You have the right to seek access to your personal information held by CML. We may charge a fee where access is provided.


If you believe that the personal information held by CML is inaccurate or out of date, or if you have any other queries about access and correction, please contact our Privacy Officer.


5. Security


CML takes all reasonable steps to ensure the personal information it holds is protected against misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. Our computer systems are password protected and are frequently updated using anti-virus software. All paper documents that contain personal information can only be accessed by authorised personnel. Documents kept in safe custody can also only be accessed by authorised personnel.


6. How to Contact CML Lawyers


If you have any questions or comments about the CML Lawyers Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy Officer:


[email protected]

Majella Haywood
Privacy Officer
CML Lawyers
GPO Box 835
Sydney NSW 2001
(02) 8203 5626


This Privacy Policy was last updated on 25 September 2018CML