CML Lawyers

Minimum Wage Increase and other Workplace Law Changes – 1 July 2024

Each year, the government changes its fees and charges, and statutory thresholds and caps, effective with the start of the new financial year. For example, ASIC has increased company and business name fees from 1 July 2024 – you can find more details here. One of the most significant changes is to employee related entitlements […]

Checklist for preparing to sell your home

Checklist for preparing to sell your home   Preparing to sell your house involves careful planning and attention to detail. Here’s CML Lawyers comprehensive checklist to guide you through the process:     1.       Evaluate Your Finances completed Determine how much you owe (if anything) on your current mortgage. ☐ Calculate your estimated equity in […]

Checklist for first home buyers

Buying your first home can be an exciting but daunting process. Here’s CML Lawyers easy to follow checklist tailored for first home buyers to make the buying process as easier as possible: 1.       Financial Assessment completed Calculate your budget: Determine how much you can afford to spend on your first home. Consider factors like your […]

Navigating the Legal Landscape: Directors’ Risks of Insolvent Trading

Directors of companies shoulder significant responsibilities, particularly in ensuring the financial health and solvency of their entities. However, when a company faces insolvency, directors must navigate a complex legal framework that imposes stringent obligations and liabilities. Understanding the risks associated with insolvent trading is paramount for directors to fulfill their duties effectively and protect their […]

Director Penalty Notices – Rights, Responsibilities, and Recourse

In the realm of corporate governance, directors play a pivotal role in steering the course of their companies. However, with such authority comes responsibility, including ensuring compliance with tax obligations. In pursuit of tax collection, the ATO often resort to Director Penalty Notices (DPNs) as a means to hold directors personally liable for certain tax […]

Conditional Certificates of Practical Completion

Is your Certificate of Practical Completion what you think it is? We have seen instances where Superintendents have purported to issue ‘conditional certificates of practical completion’.  Such that while the majority of the criteria of practical completion as defined in the contract has been achieved but for whatever reason not all the criteria has been […]

What is a scope of Works

The Scope of Work Definition in Construction   The scope of work might be the most important part of a construction agreement – even more important than the price.   The scope of work in construction is the list of construction obligations, as well as work activities that all contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are obligated […]

Paid when Paid provisions

What are paid when paid provisions and how are they relevant in the construction industry?   The Problem   Delays in payments are endemic in the construction industry all over the world.  With global reports concluding that the construction industry is most affected by delays with 65% of stakeholders having experienced delayed payments. Extensive research […]